Timothy Dennis

About Me

Hi, I'm Timothy Dennis. I've been programming in some sort or fashion for more than 20 years. What started as a fascination with HTML and CSS in high school morphed into an obsession with producing multimedia content and a career in radio spanning more than a decade.

Even in my career as a radio producer and engineer, I've still programmed throughout the years. Producing audio in a non-linear way is a type of programming, but I also taught myself how to program my station's automation equipment and became its caretaker for several years.

More recently, I've discovered JavaScript, and I am blown away every day with the possibilities that come from knowing how to use JS to build a full-stack web application. Below you can find a list of projects I've built, and below that is a list of the skills in which I consider myself proficient.


Keep an eye on this space, as I'm always working on new projects.

PodderFodder - a full-stack JS application to find, index, and listen to podcasts.

screenshot of podder fodder app I built this application as the capstone project for a class on Backend Web Development, even though it is a full-stack application. The tech stack is a MERN stack, using MongoDB, Express, React and Node.JS for core functionality. Authentication is handled by Passport.JS with strategies for local, Google and Github login. To find podcasts, the application calls the Apple Podcasts API, then ingests the feed data and episodes into the database. The frontend is designed with responsiveness in mind, and it makes use of Socket.io for messaging from the backend, as well as a variety of other libraries to provide a good user experience.

Link - PodderFodder
Link - Project repository on Github

Mr. Lister - a Frontend application to search for songs and create new Playlists on Spotify.

screenshot of Mr. Lister app This is an application built in React that allows a user to login to Spotify, search for tracks, add them to a playlist, then save the playlist to Spotify using API calls. This project was completed for the codeacademy Full Stack Engineer career path, and it also makes use of React Router to generate separate Login and Callback pages, as well as Axios for all calls to the API.

Link - Mr. Lister
Link - Project files on GitHub

MixedMessages - a JS program to serve a jumbled sentence using a predefined list of parts of speech and sentence structures

screenshot showing portion of mixed messages code This is a simple script that has predefined arrays containing nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and prepositions, as well as an array with predefined sentence structures. A function selects a random sentence structure, then functionally assigns random values from the parts of speech arrays to output a MadLibs style sentence.

Link - Project files on GitHub

Site Style Guide - a mock style guide for an imaginary website.

screenshot showing portion of mock style guide This is an example website design style guide, constructed only using HTML and CSS.

Link - Project files on GitHub Link - Live project
